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你说的这个卡, 打电话(不管国际国内)第一分钟要5毛9啊,挺黑的。

"Rates from USD 9c per minute to make and receive calls in the US and make international calls (59c for the first minute)"


你如果经常来美国,可以搞个Google Voice号码,这个号码可以一直用,而且可以全世界听Voice Mail. 网上听。:D

T-Mobile充值后有效期延长,性质和国内神州行差不多。 100块钱可以至少一年有效。否则90天

Refill valueWhenever Minutes® / Minutes Expire

$1030 min / 90 days35 min / 1 year

$25130 min / 90 days150 min / 1 year

$50400 min / 90 days460 min / 1 year

$1001000 min / 1 year*

With Gold Rewards status, you automatically receive 15% more minutes for free, and any unused minutes won’t expire for a full year!

To qualify, spend just $100 (in any combination of $10, $25, $50, or $100) in T-Mobile refills for your Prepaid phone. If you buy a combination of refills that add up to $100, you’ll receive 15% more minutes free on the NEXT refill card redeemed. If you buy a $100 refill card, you’ll automatically qualify for Gold Rewards status, and the bonus minutes will already be included in the card.

On your T-Mobile Prepaid phone, go to t-zones/my Account. Or, log in to My T-Mobile and view your status on the My T-Mobile home page. Also, each time you refill your card, we’ll send you a text message to let you know how close you are to Gold Rewards.

Gold Rewards minutes are received on the NEXT refill card you redeem after you have officially qualified. More specifically, you will receive bonus minutes on the refill card redeemed after the one that carries you over the $100 refill mark. But, if you purchase a $100 refill card, bonus minutes are already included in that card.

Yes. To maintain your Gold Rewards status, you must keep your Prepaid account active. Activating a new Prepaid account will result in the loss of your Gold Rewards status.



Yes. If you decide to change to a Pay As You Go rate plan, the refill dollars spent on the Pay By The Day plan will count towards the Gold Rewards status.

No. If you apply both refills during the same session, the refill system will count them as a single $50 refill. Therefore, if you want Gold Rewards minutes on the second one, add the next refill after waiting 15 minutes.

No, at this time there is no Gold Rewards program for Sidekick users.

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